Interview with Mr. Ted Wilson, Principal, Glacier Valley Elementary:
What kind of educational software programs are available for teachers to use?
The laptops and most desktop computers are equipped with programs such as KidSpiration, Comic Life, Office Suite, iWorks, Garage Band, Google Earth, Accelerated Reader, Power School, e-mail program, Safari, and a program to record PALS data. The desktop computers in one of our rooms are equipped with All the Right Type keyboarding program.
What led you to be so proactive in integrating technology use in our school?
When I was a freshman in high school (~1981) our school received a grant to be immersed in new technology that was available at the time. This allowed me to experience how beneficial technology integration can be to one’s educational experience. It gives teachers more instructional options. When I arrived at Glacier Valley in 1997, there was some technology already available and shortly after I arrived here we had the opportunity to purchase more technology tools for our school so I got to be influential in deciding what would be beneficial for us to purchase. I wanted wireless internet, the newest computers and laptops available and video and audio software. Having a wireless system allows us to do things such as have off-site meetings. Technology should be central in a school setting and making current technology available for students in school is important because it is a big draw for them. Even with all of the technology we have, we are behind yet because of the new iPads, tablets, etc. available. We do have four iPads being used in our special education department but they are not yet supported by the district so we are pioneering the idea in a sense.
How were you able to obtain the technology tools that are now available in our school?
In 1997 a bond issue was passed that allowed us to start purchasing some new technology tools. Another bond issue was passed that allowed us to finish the purchases that we had already started. A few years later the legislature approved money for us to use for more purchases. Our school was then renovated which provided even more technology funds. However, we do not yet know what our new sources of technology funds will be, we are still working on that. Geoffrey Wyatt has written some smaller technology grants before and Laurie Heagy has experience writing grants for other things.
Why is technology important in a school setting?
It involves the same idea as hooking kids up with outdoor education, art, drama, etc. There are things that can be outside and/or integrated into the curriculum that hooks the interest of our students in what we are teaching. Technology also allows us to extend the learning of those students that need it. For example, when I was teaching, if students finished up a writing project early I would have them make a video or other kind of presentation to publish their work.
What has the students’ response been to technology integration in school?
The students seem very comfortable with it. Many Kindergarten students taking the MAPs tests are experiencing computers for the first time. I have found that they can handle the track pad on a lap top much easier than a mouse for a desktop computer. It seems that students are more open to integrating new forms of technology into their lives when they have been exposed to it at an early age.
What is your favorite technology tool to use?
Probably the digital cameras because they give you almost instant results. For example, you can take pictures in an activity you are doing with the students in the morning, print them out at lunch or on your prep, and have them available to use for an afternoon activity. This allows for very engaging lessons and gives students first-hand experience with technology tools.
Mr. Wilson's history with Glacier Valley is interesting to read about as he was able to adapt the school to new technology over time. When Mr. Wilson describes Glacier Valley as being behind in technology because of newer devices out there such as ipads, tablets, and others- I can't help but think about with how quickly technology changes, it is difficult for individuals to keep up with the times, much less larger institutions and schools.